Embracing Change

Transitioning from academia to commercial data science marked a pivotal moment in my career. With the pace of the data science field in mind, I embarked on my first client project after completing my PhD. This project, organized by Science to Data Science (S2DS), not only provided valuable experience but also highlighted the importance of blending technical expertise with soft skills.


The project’s success hinged on effectively blending communication techniques with technical expertise. This involved agile practices of daily check-ins, sprint planning sessions, and the use of Kanban boards for task allocation within the team. While initially providing a structured framework, the methodology’s effectiveness waned as the team gained experience, ultimately impeding productivity.

Defining the Business Problem

At beginning of the project we were presented with a business problem requiring resolution. While the issue presented was specific enough to initiate action, it also allowed room for us to propose a route to solve the issue. Initially, our priority was to pinpoint the core problem and sketch out a rough plan for addressing it. Collaborative discussions with both the team and the client facilitated a deeper understanding of our solution strategy. This plan served as our staging area for preliminary exploration.

Exploration and Analysis

Once the problem has been clearly defined, progress becomes feasible. However, it’s crucial not to rush headlong into analysis, as surface-level examination may alter the initial inquiry, rendering your work unnecessary for the client’s needs. At this stage I suggest to begin by gathering relevant data and conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) and use simple models to test initial hypotheses, resisting the temptation to apply complex methodologies. Remember, a straightforward statistical test can often yield the most interpretable insights.

Importance of Research Design

Making informed decisions in research design is paramount, as it not only saves valuable time and effort but also maximizes client returns. It’s imperative to identify and eliminate potential dead ends that divert focus from the project’s core objectives. Effective communication with the client is pivotal here, as well as understanding their expectations and being realistic about project outcomes. It is also important to call out team members that have been side-tracked and bring them back in line with the projects main goal.

Taking Initiative

It’s often necessary to reiterate to the client where the most value can be achieved. In both client and team meetings, active participation is key. I recommend you take initiative, thereby exerting some influence over the direction of the project. In particular arrive at meetings prepared with focused-points to streamline discussions. Additionally actively listen and take detailed notes during meetings, as they will provide valuable context for your final report.

Diving into Deep Work

Once the preliminary groundwork is complete and the project scope is clearly defined with the client’s firm commitment to a specific task, we can delve into the deep work. This phase entails stubbornly addressing issues until they are satisfactorily resolved. To facilitate deep work sessions, it’s advisable to minimize unnecessary meetings during your focused work periods, thereby retaining control over your concentration. This phase is where individuals with STEM backgrounds excel. They adeptly break down complex problems into manageable components, tackle each issue, and integrate results into cohesive solutions.

Crafting the Final Report

In crafting the final report, the aim is to narrate the rationale behind the decisions made and ensure a seamless handover process. Throughout the project, prioritizing interpretability is essential, as the saying goes, “if you can’t explain what you’re doing simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Consequently, emphasis should be placed on writing readable code and providing comprehensive documentation and reasons for deviating from certain paths.


To conclude this project highlighted the importance of effective communication and need for initiative and the importance of collaboration with team members.

Skills gained

Client management and report skills:

  • Understood business requirements and what is feasible within time constraints.
  • Managed client expectations.
  • Took initiative in driving project discussions and decisions and took on board client feedback.
  • Tailored reporting to focus on the business impact.

Working as a team:

  • Emphasised open communication and collaboration within the team, and actively sought clarification if necessary.
  • Applied agile structure to meetings and prepared agendas to ensure efficiency.
  • Leveraged individual strengths in task delegation.
  • Group coding with git, and developed code styles to ensure code was maintainable.

Addressing technical problems:

  • Demonstrated agility and problem-solving skills in addressing project challenges and meeting deadlines.
  • Applied the scientific method to business problems.
  • Conducted thorough research design before implementation.

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