Two Pillars of Professional Development: Sharpening and Shining

Professional development can often feel overwhelming. With so much advice out there, it’s easy to get lost in the flood of suggestions and wonder, “Where do I even begin?” That’s why I like to break it down into two key areas: Sharpening and Shining.

  • Sharpening is about building your core skills—the foundation that enables you to deliver high-quality work.
  • Shining is how you present yourself and your work to the world—it’s the art of showcasing your professional identity.

By focusing on both Sharpening and Shining, you can push your career forward and make your professional journey more rewarding.


Sharpening your skills is a continuous process. Here’s how you can stay sharp:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The best way to grow your skills is through real-world applications. This could mean contributing to open-source projects, building something on your own, or tackling challenges in your field.

    How I do it: Through my work with the Scottish Tech Army (STA), I often explore and implement new technologies. Each project pushes me to learn something new and apply it in real time.

  • Embrace Continuous Learning: There are countless learning opportunities online. Platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and industry-specific certifications can help you stay ahead of the curve.

    How I do it: I enjoy conducting “research experiments,” which are projects where I explore areas of interest and implement code to back up my ideas. These self-driven experiments keep me learning and engaged. The ideas from these project add to my second brain: Data-Archive.

  • Seek Feedback and Reflect: Regular feedback from colleagues and mentors is invaluable. It can save you time, open up new perspectives, and guide your development.

    How I do it: I’ve set up a feedback link on my blog to invite input from others. I welcome all feedback—even if it’s not always constructive—because if someone has taken the time to give it, I’m willing to listen.


Developing your technical skills is essential, but it’s only half the battle. You also need to make sure your abilities are visible. Here’s how to strengthen your presence:

  • Network: Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups. Join relevant online communities to build connections with professionals and stay in the loop about the latest trends.

    How I do it: I regularly check Meetup for in-person events and try to attend at least one a week. It forces me to engage, and even if nothing else comes of it, there’s usually pizza involved!

  • Build an Online Presence: Having a professional online footprint is crucial. Platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and a personal website allow you to showcase your work, share insights, and highlight your achievements.

    How I do it: I treat these platforms like marketing tools. I try to maintain and update them regularly to ensure they reflect my current projects and interests.

  • Present Yourself: Public speaking is a great way to showcase your expertise. Whether it’s giving a talk at a conference, participating in a webinar, or leading a meetup, it can help you build your reputation. Crafting a compelling resume, cover letter, or email can be just as important as writing efficient code.

    How I do it: I take any opportunity to speak openly, even when I think the material might not seem groundbreaking. Others often see you as an expert, and sharing your knowledge builds credibility.

Where Sharpening Meets Shining

Many activities can help you sharpen your skills and shine at the same time. Take attending a conference, for example. It enhances your professional relationships (Shining) while offering learning opportunities to improve your skills (Sharpening). Writing a blog is another great example. Not only does it allow you to showcase your expertise (Shining), but it also reinforces your learning and writing skills (Sharpening).

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

While balancing skill development and personal branding is important, here are a few things to consider:

  • Time Management is Key: We spend a large portion of our lives working, so choose a career path that allows you to grow your skills while building meaningful connections.

  • Don’t Over-Optimize: Professional growth is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on steady progress rather than chasing perfection. I often have to remind myself of this.

  • Follow Your Interests: When you’re genuinely interested in something, it’s easier to stay motivated. Your natural curiosity will drive you to keep learning and improving.

  • Maintain Balance: Don’t take on too much at once. It’s okay to adjust your focus and priorities as your workload and interests evolve.

The Takeaway

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to professional development. By focusing on both Sharpening and Shining, you can create a roadmap that’s tailored to your personal growth and career aspirations.

Ultimately, professional development is about improving not just your skills but your overall quality of life. With thoughtful time management and a balance of both technical and people-oriented growth, you can advance in your career while maintaining a fulfilling and balanced personal life.




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