Why Blog in a World of LLMs? The Ideas!

Blogging gives me a platform to share my thoughts and musings. Crafting posts, however, isn’t always a straightforward journey; it requires time and patience to allow ideas to evolve.

For the type of content I deliver, the true value of a blog post lies in the ideas themselves. Therefore, the process of refining these ideas for clarity becomes highly valuable.

The biggest hurdle I face in sharing ideas is overcoming the inertia involved in transforming messy, abstract thoughts into coherent language that others can easily understand.

I use LLMs, like GPT, as a tool to bridge the gap between my ideas and their presentation, without getting bogged down by the details of word choices. My typical workflow involves:

  1. Brainstorming: I jot down my initial ideas in a chaotic manner, often using Google Keep.
  2. Structuring: I organize these thoughts into a coherent structure, cutting and pasting content under given headers.
  3. Drafting: I feed this structured outline to an LLM, which generates a draft.

Here’s a video demonstrating my process:

  1. Editing and Refining: I review the draft, making necessary edits and refinements - first on my tablet using a stylus (Google docs has a markup feature on tablet), then on the desktop where I input these edits.

Markup Example

  1. Uploading: I finalize and publish the post.

By using LLMs in this way, I can speed up the process of transforming my ideas into engaging blog posts, allowing me to share my thoughts with the world more efficiently.




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