Ph.D Thesis

I completed my PhD at The University of Liverpool in 2023 under the guidance of Nicola Pagani. My thesis focused on combinatorial algebraic geometry where I developed methods to computed stability conditions of Fine compactified Jacobians.
Classical fine compactified Jacobians for curves are determined by numerical polarisations, first introduced by Tadao Oda and C. S. Seshadri. As part of my thesis I developed a tool to compute a stability condition (for smoothable fine compactified Jacobians) from a non-degenerate numerical polarisation (link).
Conferences and Workshops
- MaTroCom 9th-13th January 2023
- COMB In CAMB 5th-9th September 2022
- GAel XXIXX 23-27th May 2022 poster
- Seminar: Livin’ Maths 2023 Title: Combinatorics of the stability space of fine compactified Jacobians (beamer)
- Seminar: Working seminar in algebraic geometry Title: Canonical representatives for divisor classes on tropical curves
- Seminar: Working seminar on Hodge theory II Title: Semicontinuity theorems
- Seminar: Working seminar on Hodge theory I Title: Almost complex structures
I’ve been tutoring mathematics for over a decade at all levels. From 2019 to 2023, I worked at The University of Liverpool, supporting core statistics courses and leading stastical modeling sessions. I was also part of the Liverpool Outreach team, where I engaged with sixth-form students for the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme, helping them build confidence and skills in advanced mathematics.