Command Prompt (cmd) is a command-line interpreter on Windows systems that allows users to execute commands to perform various basic tasks. Below are some common tasks that can be performed in cmd, along with examples:
Changes the current directory to C:\path\to\directory.
Listing Files and Directories:
Lists the files and directories in the current directory.
2. Managing Files and Directories
Creating a Directory:
mkdir newfolder
Creates a new directory named newfolder.
Deleting a Directory:
rmdir /s /q newfolder
Deletes the directory newfolder and its contents. The /s flag removes all directories and files in the specified directory, and the /q flag runs the command quietly without asking for confirmation.
Copying Files:
copy C:\source\file.txt D:\destination\
Copies file.txt from the C:\source directory to the D:\destination directory.
Renaming Files:
ren oldfile.txt newfile.txt
Renames oldfile.txt to newfile.txt.
Deleting Files:
del file.txt
Deletes file.txt.
3. Viewing and Managing System Information
Viewing IP Configuration:
Displays the current network configuration.
Viewing System Information:
Provides detailed system information including OS version, hardware details, and network configurations.
4. Managing Processes
Viewing Running Processes:
Lists all currently running processes.
Killing a Process:
taskkill /F /PID 1234
Terminates the process with the Process ID (PID) 1234. The /F flag forces the process to terminate.
5. Networking Commands
Pinging a Server:
Sends ICMP Echo Request packets to the specified host and displays the response.
Tracing Route to a Server:
Traces the route packets take to the specified host.
6. Batch File Scripting
Creating and Running a Simple Batch File:
Create a file named example.bat with the following content:
@echo offecho Hello, World!pause
Run the batch file:
This batch file prints “Hello, World!” to the console and waits for the user to press a key before closing.
7. Environment Variables
Viewing Environment Variables:
Displays all current environment variables and their values.
Setting an Environment Variable:
set MYVAR=Hello
Sets an environment variable MYVAR with the value Hello.
8. Disk Operations
Checking Disk Usage:
chkdsk C:
Checks the file system and file system metadata of the C: drive for logical and physical errors.
Formatting a Disk:
format D: /FS:NTFS
Formats the D: drive with the NTFS file system.
9. Echoing Messages
Displaying a Message:
echo Hello, World!
Prints Hello, World! to the console.
10. Redirecting Output
Redirecting Command Output to a File:
dir > output.txt
Redirects the output of the dir command to output.txt.
These examples illustrate some of the basic functionalities of Command Prompt. While cmd is less powerful compared to PowerShell, it remains useful for simple file system navigation, file management, and running legacy scripts.