Gini impurity is a metric used in decision trees to measure the degree or probability of misclassification in a dataset. It is associated with the leaves of a Decision Tree and helps determine the best split at each node.


  • Mathematical Formula: Gini impurity is calculated as the probability of incorrectly classifying a randomly chosen element if it were randomly labelled according to the distribution of labels in the subset.

  • Formula:

    where is the probability of an element being classified into a particular class.


  • Decision Trees: Gini impurity is commonly used in decision trees to evaluate splits. A lower Gini impurity indicates a better split, as it means the data is more homogeneously classified.
  • Classification Tasks: It is particularly useful in classification tasks where the goal is to minimize misclassification.

Relationship to Other Metrics

  • Gini impurity is one of several Regression Metrics used to evaluate the performance of decision trees, alongside others like entropy.


Suppose you have a dataset with a binary classification problem, where the target variable can be either “Yes” or “No”. You have a node in your decision tree with the following distribution of classes:

  • 10 samples labeled “Yes”
  • 5 samples labeled “No”

Gini Impurity Calculation

The formula for Gini impurity is:

where is the proportion of class in the node.

Step-by-Step Calculation

  1. Calculate the proportion of each class:

    • Total samples = 10 (Yes) + 5 (No) = 15
    • Proportion of “Yes” =
    • Proportion of “No” =
  2. Calculate the squared proportions:

  3. Sum the squared proportions:

    • Sum =
  4. Calculate the Gini impurity:

    • Gini impurity =

A Gini impurity of 0.4422 indicates the level of impurity in this node. A Gini impurity of 0 would mean the node is pure (all samples belong to one class), while a higher value indicates more impurity or mixed classes.

This calculation helps in deciding whether to split the node further or not. The goal is to choose splits that minimize the Gini impurity, leading to more homogeneous branches.