FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python. It is designed to be fast and easy to use, leveraging Python’s type hints to provide features like:

  1. Automatic generation of OpenAPI documentation.
  2. Input data validation based on Python’s type annotations.
  3. Asynchronous request handling with native support for asyncio.
  4. High performance, as it is built on Starlette and Pydantic.

Key Features

  • Automatic validation: Based on type hints and Pydantic models.
  • Interactive API docs: Automatically generated Swagger UI and ReDoc.
  • Asynchronous support: Full support for async functions.
  • Dependency injection: Built-in support for dependencies.

How to Run

==In ML_Tools see: see this

  1. Save the script as

  2. Install FastAPI and Uvicorn: pip install fastapi uvicorn

  3. Run the server:

    ren # possibly change to
    uvicorn FastAPI_Example:app --reload
  4. Open the browser and navigate to:

    • API documentation (Swagger UI):
    • ReDoc documentation: