Confusion Matrix Accuracy Precision Recall Precision or Recall F1 Score Recall Specificity
Link to good website describing these
In ML_Tools see:
Types of predictions
Types of predictions in evaluating models. Also see Why Type 1 and Type 2 matter
True Positive (TP):
- This occurs when the model correctly predicts the positive class. For example, if the model predicts that an email is spam and it actually is spam, that’s a true positive.
False Positive (FP):
- Also known as a "Type I error," this occurs when the model incorrectly predicts the positive class. For example, if the model predicts that an email is spam but it is not, that’s a false positive.
True Negative (TN):
- This occurs when the model correctly predicts the negative class. For example, if the model predicts that an email is not spam and it actually is not spam, that’s a true negative.
False Negative (FN):
- Also known as a "Type II error," this occurs when the model incorrectly predicts the negative class. For example, if the model predicts that an email is not spam but it actually is spam, that’s a false negative.
Evaluation metrics in practice
Having many evaluation metrics is hard to understand and optimise. Sometimes it is best to combine into one.
Use a single number i.e. accuracy or F1 Score .
This speeds up development of ml projects.
In order to use metrics to evaluate a model we can:
- Can combine multiple metrics a formula, i.e. weighted average.
- If there is a metrics we are happy that the model passes a given level then we can have it "Satisfying". So the for the given metric it just needs to pass a given level.
- For metrics we are interested in we have it "Optimising", the one we want to be the best.
- Setup: Pick N-1 satisfying and 1 optimising.