This script includes examples of logging, using breakpoints, and reproducing a simple bug for practice

Key Concepts Demonstrated in the Script

  1. Logging in Python: The script uses Python’s logging module to record debug, info, error, and warning messages. This helps track the flow of execution and diagnose issues.

  2. Reproduce the Bug: The script intentionally includes a division by zero bug to demonstrate how to identify and fix it.

  3. Breakpoints: You can set a breakpoint in your IDE at the line where result = divide_numbers(num1, num2) to inspect the values of num1 and num2.

  4. Automated Testing: The script includes a simple assertion to test the divide_numbers function, ensuring it behaves as expected.

  5. Static Analysis: The commented line unused_variable = 42 can be used to simulate a static analysis warning for an unused variable.