Task: For each model as we tune the hyperparameters what happens to the (RMSLE) metric (scatter metric against hyperparameter).
Using Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error RMSLE to evaluate.
Practice with model and feature engineering ideas, create visualizations
- create eda for blog post
- create model training optuna for blog post
Hyperparameter Hyperparameter tuning can be done with Hyperparameter
Cross Validation
Both (sklearn)StratifiedKFold
and RepeatedStratifiedKFold
can be very effective when used on classification problems with a severe class imbalance. They both stratify the sampling by the class label; that is, they split the dataset in such a way that preserves approximately the same class distribution (i.e., the same percentage of samples of each class) in each subset/fold as in the original dataset. However, a single run of StratifiedKFold
might result in a noisy estimate of the model’s performance, as different splits of the data might result in very different results. That is where RepeatedStratifiedKFold
comes into play.
allows improving the estimated performance of a machine learning model, by simply repeating the cross-validation procedure multiple times (according to the n_repeats
value), and reporting the mean result across all folds from all runs. This mean result is expected to be a more accurate estimate of the model’s performance