
Regularisation is a technique to prevent overfitting in a model by adding a penalty term to the cost function. Regularization is the process of adding a tuning parameter to a model to induce smoothness in order to prevent overfitting. It helps in controlling the complexity of the model and reduces the chance of fitting noise in the training data.

Used to prevent overfitting by penalising the loss function during training to reduce model complexity.

This penalty term imposes constraints on the weights or parameters of the model, encouraging simpler or smoother models that are less prone to overfitting.


  1. L1 Lasso (Absolute value)
  2. L2: Ridge (Square)

Lasso tends to produce sparse models by eliminating less important features, while Ridge tends to shrink the coefficients of all features without eliminating any, making it more suitable for situations where retaining all features is desired but with reduced magnitudes to prevent overfitting.

**What is regularization used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models. It involves adding a penalty term to the loss function during training, discouraging the model from assigning too much importance to specific features. For example Lasso and Ridge regularization. By reducing the model’s complexity, regularization promotes better generalization to new, unseen data.

Dropout is a regularization technique that randomly drops units (along with their connections) from the neural network during training. This prevents units from co-adapting too much and forces the network to learn more robust features. By averaging the predictions of multiple dropout networks, the model generalizes better and reduces overfitting.**