Objective: To classify Iris flowers using SVM and explore various hyperparameters like kernel type, regularization (C), and gamma.
Dataset: The Iris dataset contains information about sepal and petal dimensions for three flower species.
To explore the effect of soft boundaries in SVMs, you can adjust the regularization parameter CCC. A smaller CCC allows a softer boundary (more margin violations), prioritizing generalization. A larger CCC enforces a harder boundary with fewer margin violations, but may lead to overfitting. Here’s an extended version of the script to include this exploration:
Steps in the Script
1. Data Loading and Preparation
The Iris dataset is loaded using sklearn.datasets.load_iris.
A DataFrame is created with:
Features: Sepal and petal dimensions.
Target: Numerical representation of flower species.
Flower name: Categorical species name derived from the target.
2. Data Visualization
The data is visualized to explore relationships between features:
Sepal Length vs. Sepal Width for two species (Setosa vs. Versicolor).
Petal Length vs. Petal Width for the same species.
Scatter plots are used to identify separable patterns.
3. Model Training
The data is split into training and testing sets (80%-20%).
An SVM classifier (sklearn.svm.SVC) is trained on the training set.
The model’s performance is evaluated using the .score() method.
4. Hyperparameter Tuning
Regularization (C):
Adjusting C controls the trade-off between achieving a large margin and minimizing classification errors.
Lower values of C allow a larger margin but can tolerate misclassified points.
Higher values of C prioritize correct classification over a larger margin.
Controls the influence of individual data points. A high value means data points closer to the hyperplane have more influence.
Different kernels (e.g., linear, rbf) are tested to find the best mapping of data into higher dimensions for better separation.
5. Prediction and Accuracy
The model is used to predict flower species for new samples.
The accuracy of the model is reported for each combination of hyperparameters.