An epoch in machine learning is a single pass through the entire training dataset. The number of epochs, denoted as , determines how many times the data is applied to the model.

Why Use Multiple Epochs?

  • Repetition for Learning: The data is applied to the model times to improve learning and accuracy. For example, if , the model will see the entire dataset 10 times.


Epoch 1/10
6250/6250 [==============================] - 6s 910us/step - loss: 0.1782
  • Epoch 1/10: Indicates the model is currently on the first epoch out of a total of 10.
  • Batches: For efficiency, the dataset is divided into smaller groups called ‘batches’. In TensorFlow, the default batch size is 32. With 200,000 examples, this results in 6,250 batches.
  • Batch Execution: The notation 6250/6250 shows the progress of batch execution within the current epoch.