
How do LLMs work and operate.   Enabling LLM’s at scale: Explore recent AI and Generative AI language models


Math on words: Turn words into coordinates. Statistics on words: Given context what is the probability of whats next. Vectors on words. Cosine similarity How train: Use Markov chain for prediction of the next Tokenisation

Tokeniser: map from token to number

  1. Pre-training: tokenise input using NLP techqinues
  2. LLM looks at context: nearby tokens, in order to predict

different implmentationg for differnet languages. Differnet tokenisers or translating after.

Journey to scale:

  1. Demos, POC (plan to scale): understand limitations
  2. Beyond experiments and before production:
  3. Enterprise level: translate terms so they can use governess techniques.


Software Development Life Cycle

For GenAI: Building an applicaiton with GenAi features

  1. Plan: use case: prompts : archtecture: cloud or on site
  2. Build: vector database
  3. Test: Quality and responsible ai.

call summarisation

take transcript - > summariser summarise

Source: human labeled transcripts to check summariser.

Ngrams analysis - when specific words realy matter


Use relvant data to make response better:


For image models.

Examples: midjourney,stable diffusion,dall-e 3

image model techniques:

  • text to image
  • image to image


Use LLM’s to get short info, then cluster. Going round training data : called a Epochs