Short term frequency inverse document frequency

Improves on Bag of words

Reflects how important each word is to a document in a corpus. which takes into account both the frequency of a term in a document and the rarity of the term in the entire corpus

High values mean more important

TF-IDF equation:

  • term frequency
  • inverse document frequency
  • term frequency–inverse document frequency where:
  • - index of term
  • - index of document
  • - number of terms in document
  • - corpus length (number of documents)
  • - number of documents containing term i


from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
bow = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=normalize_document)
corpus_vectorized = bow.transform(corpus)
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
tf_idf_transformer = TfidfTransformer()
#frequencies per token.
#for term, freq in zip(bow.get_feature_names_out(), #tf_idf_transformer.idf_):
#    print(term.rjust(10), " : ", freq)
#can do per document in corpus
tfidf_docs = tf_idf_transformer.transform(corpus_vectorized)
for doc_id in range(len(corpus)):
    print("Document id.{}: {}".format(doc_id, corpus[doc_id]))
    print("Tokens: {}".format(normalize_document(corpus[doc_id])))
    print("\n -- TF IDF Values for words in dictionary:")
    # Filter out terms with TF-IDF frequency of 0
    non_zero_terms = [(term, freq) for term, freq in zip(bow.get_feature_names_out(), tfidf_docs[doc_id].T.toarray()) if freq != 0]
    for term, freq in non_zero_terms:
        print(term.rjust(10), " : ", freq)
    print("\n ------------------")

Why are we interested in this method?

TF-IDF helps in capturing the uniqueness of terms within each document, which can be useful in tasks like document clustering Clustering, information retrievalSearch, and content recommendation.Recommender systems