A Decision Tree is a type of Supervised Learning algorithm used to predict a target variable based on input features. It involves splitting data into subsets to create a tree-like model.

Decision Tree Structure are a flowchart-like model where each internal node represents a decision based on a feature, branches represent outcomes, and leaf nodes represent final predictions.

Splits data recursively based on feature importance, forming a tree-like structure.

The decision tree algorithm calculates the Gini impurity for each possible split and selects the one with the lowest impurity. Use to make predictions on new data, the algorithm traverses the decision tree from the root node to a leaf node, following decision rules based on input features. Once it reaches a leaf node, it assigns the corresponding class label or prediction.

Key Concepts

  1. Objective: Predict a target variable using input features.
  2. Splitting: Identify the best feature to split the data into subsets, aiming for homogeneous groups.
  3. Impurity Calculation: Use metrics like Gini Impurity or Cross Entropy (Gini Impurity vs Cross Entropy)to evaluate splits. Choose the split that minimizes impurity.
  4. Purity: A node is pure if it perfectly classifies the data, requiring no further splits.
  5. Leaf Node Output: Assigns the most common class label or average value in the node.
  6. Overfitting: Can occur if the tree is too complex. Mitigate with pruning and limiting tree depth.
  7. Cross Validation: Refine the model to better generalize to new data.

Splitting Process

The splitting process in a Decision Tree involves dividing the dataset into subsets to create a tree-like structure. This process is crucial for building an effective model that can predict target variables accurately.

Splitting Criteria:

  • The algorithm evaluates various features to determine the best split at each node.
  • It selects the feature and split point that minimize impurity in the resulting child nodes.
  • The split that most effectively reduces impurity is chosen, ensuring that each subset is as homogeneous as possible.

Building Process

  1. Initial Splitting:

    • Begin at the root node and select the best feature to split the data. This selection is based on impurity measures such as Gini impurity or entropy for classification tasks, and variance reduction for regression tasks.
    • The goal is to create subsets that are as homogeneous as possible with respect to the target variable.
  2. Recursive Partitioning:

    • After the initial split, each subset becomes a child node.
    • The algorithm recursively applies the splitting process to each child node.
    • Continue splitting until stopping criteria are met, such as reaching a maximum tree depth, having a minimum number of samples per node, or achieving insufficient improvement in purity.
  3. Leaf Nodes:

    • The process continues until reaching leaf nodes, which have no further splits.
    • At each leaf node, assign a class label (for classification) or predict a continuous value (for regression) based on the majority class or average value of the samples in that node.



  • Pre-pruning: Stop tree growth early based on criteria like maximum depth or minimum impurity improvement.
  • Post-pruning: Allow the tree to grow fully, then prune back based on performance metrics.


Can use GridSeachCv to pick the best paramaters.

criterionSplitting criteriaImpacts decision logic.criterion='gini' or criterion='entropy'
max_depthMaximum tree depthPrevents overfitting.max_depth=5 limits the tree depth to 5.
min_samples_splitMin samples to split a nodeLimits tree growth.min_samples_split=10 requires at least 10 samples to split a node.
min_samples_leafMin samples at leaf nodeReduces overfitting.min_samples_leaf=5 ensures every leaf has at least 5 samples.
max_featuresFeatures considered for splittingAdds randomness.max_features='sqrt' or max_features=3.
max_leaf_nodesMax leaf nodes allowedReduces overfitting.max_leaf_nodes=20 caps the tree at 20 leaves.
class_weightAdjusts for imbalanced dataImproves fairness.class_weight='balanced' or class_weight={0:1, 1:2}.
ccp_alphaPruning parameterSimplifies tree.ccp_alpha=0.01 prunes weak splits based on complexity.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Trees


  • Simple and interpretable model.
  • Minimal data preparation required.
  • Transparent decision-making process.


  • Prone to overfitting, especially with complex datasets.
  • Sensitive to small changes in data.
  • Can become complex with many features.

Decision Tree