This automated process reduces manual labor and enables continuous data flow into a database. Pipelines will be build using continuous deployment and integration. And be build so that they are scaleable.

ETL Process (Extract, Transform, Load):

  • Extract: Collecting data from different sources such as databases, APIs, or flat files. Set up API connections to pull data from multiple sources.
  • Transform: Cleaning and transforming the data into a usable format, including filtering, aggregating, and joining data. Combine data from different sources to create a unified dataset.
  • Load: Inserting the transformed data into a data warehouse (organised), database, or data lake(unorganised). Store data in a database like MySQL.

ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) is a paradigm for moving data from one system to another. It involves reading data (Extract) from one system, modifying the data (Transform), and then sending it (Load) to a destination system. The ETL paradigm emerged in the 1970s.

A key feature of ETL is that data is transformed before being sent to the destination, as demonstrated in the following image:

During the ETL process necessary to:

  • data quality Assurance: Ensure data passes quality checks and is standardized for use.

However in recent years, the preferred data movement paradigm has shifted to ELT (Extract, Load, and Transform). The ELT philosophy dictates that data should be untouched – apart from minor cleaning and filtering – as it moves through the extraction and loading stages so that the raw data is always accessible in the destination Data Warehouse. See ETL vs ELT for a comparison of these approaches.

ETL is Changing

ETL is done with Apache Airflow, dagster, and Temporal.

Historically ETL was once preferred over ELT for the following no-longer-valid reasons

  • ETL could achieve cost savings by removing unwanted data before sending it to the destination –  however, with the plummeting cost of cloud-based computation and storage the value of this proposition is greatly reduced. 
  • Because ETL transforms data before it is stored, it avoids the complexity of transforming data after sending it to the destination – however, new tools such as dbt (data build tool) make it preferable and easy to transform data in the destination.