Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. It provides a range of services including computing, storage, and application development that run on Google hardware.

Resources: Introduction to Google Cloud

Compute Engine

Description: GCP’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering, allowing users to run virtual machines on Google’s infrastructure.

Features: Custom Machine Types: Create VMs with custom configurations. Preemptible VMs: Costeffective, shortlived instances for batch jobs and faulttolerant workloads. Sustained Use Discounts: Automatic discounts for prolonged usage. Persecond Billing: Charges calculated per second for cost savings.

Use Cases: Suitable for web hosting, data processing, and largescale applications. Integration: Works seamlessly with other GCP services like Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Storage, and BigQuery.


A scalable NoSQL database service for large analytical and operational workloads.

App Engine

A platform for building scalable web applications and mobile backends.


A fullymanaged, serverless data warehouse for largescale data analytics.

Cloud Storage

Object storage service for storing and accessing data on Google’s infrastructure.

Cloud SQL

Managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.


Tools and services for continuous integration and continuous delivery.


A platform for building mobile and web applications with realtime databases, authentication, and more.


Consider setting up a personal GCP example for handson experience. Explore the generic repository for additional resources and examples.