Question How to include p values in sklearn for a Linear Regression?
import scipy.stats as stat.
You can modify the class of LinearRegression() from sklearn to include them
C:\Users\RhysL\Desktop\DS_Obs\1_Inbox\Work\Udemy\Part_5_Advanced_Statistical_Methods_(Machine_Learning)\multiple_linear_regression\sklearn - How to properly include p-values.ipynb
What is f_regression and why can it compute p values?
from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression p_values = f_regression(x,y)[1] p_values
We will look into: f_regression f_regression finds the F-statistics for the simple regressions created with each of the independent variables In our case, this would mean running a simple linear regression on GPA where SAT is the independent variable and a simple linear regression on GPA where Rand 1,2,3 is the indepdent variable The limitation of this approach is that it does not take into account the mutual effect of the two features
There are two output arrays The first one contains the F-statistics for each of the regressions The second one contains the p-values of these F-statistics
outputs: (array([56.04804786, 0.17558437]), array([7.19951844e-11, 6.76291372e-01]))